1. Determine training needs
Survey of training needs
Exams, examinations and assessments determine capacity, lack of knowledge and skills
2. Making and managing training plans
Training plan
Management training plan
Administration of training programs
3. Training
Online learning.
Training according to titles, plans, personal goals
Evaluation in training: assessing students; teacher assessment; evaluate course organization …
Manage training expenses
Course manager
4. Exam – Testing
Hold the exam
Exam and supervision exam
Mark the exam and score
Question bank manager
Exam bank management
5. Library
Video library
Audio Library
6. Administration, reporting
Training report.
Exam report.
User management
Manage structure, organization, user groups
Decentralized system
Monitoring systemStatistic
7. Evaluation after training
Participants self-assess
The manager directly comments and reviews
Instructor evaluation
Leadership evaluation